International Financial Reporting Standards
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are accounting standards set by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and since the European Union (EU) mandated the adoption of IFRS by listed companies in Europe in 2005, the movement to apply IFRS has spread worldwide. In Japan, voluntary application of IFRS has been approved since 2010, and as of 2022, 264 (7%) of the 3,770 companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange apply IFRS (including companies that have announced their plans).
The purpose of introducing IFRS is various, such as actively promoting M&A, raising funds from overseas investors, and expanding business globally and the barriers and issues that block the introduction of IFRS and the methods for solving them vary from company to company.
Based on the experience of auditing IFRS voluntary companies, IFRS implementation support experience, and overseas practical experience, we provide efficient and effective introduction solutions in line with the actual situation of each company.
It is important to consider the introduction of IFRS from various aspects from the perspective of how it will affect stakeholders. We support the smooth introduction of IFRS while considering various matters such as financial reporting, business processes, system compliance, and the impact on business management.
Support for each phase